Progressive Portal > Merchandise > Custom-Printed Bumper Stickers

Custom Printed Bumper Stickers
1: Choose an Image | 2: Specify Your Text | 3: Add Extras | 4: Place Order


Basic Sticker $4.99 | Additional Stickers Same Design $1.99
Image +59¢ per sticker  |  UV-shield coating +99¢ per sticker


Stickers are approx. 10.75" wide x 2.75" high

Select an image below to appear on the left side of your sticker. Images increase "eye appeal" and the impact of your message, adding just 59¢ per sticker. If you prefer not to add an image to your sticker, choose "No Image." On the next page, you'll specify the text for your sticker.
Rainbow Peace Sign Peace Sign-rainbow
© Madlantern Arts.
Use is restricted.
U.S. Flag Peace Sign peace sign-U.S. flag
© Madlantern Arts.
Use is restricted.
U.S. Peace Flag U.S. peace flag
Earth Photo Earth photo
Obama Portrait Obama Portrait
Bush Scowling Bush Scowling
Cheney Scowling Cheney Scowling

No Image


[No Image]

 Flags & More | Posters | Clothing | Bumper Stickers
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Peace flags, Earth flags, United Nations Flags available for sale, to buy, to purchase.